Monday 23 April 2018

How to control insects that attack your plants with herbs:

How to control insects that attack your plants with herbs:

It is well know to growers that legumes that are planted in a rotation with wheat and other grain crops will protect those crops from corn root worm.

Goats that suffer from worms can be helped by feeding them carrots and worms in horses can be controlled by feeding them mulberry leaves; however it is to herbs that we can look to give us the greatest protection for our crops:

I do not like list as such because they can take up too much space on the lens however I will list a few of the useful one here:

Use Basil to protect against flies and mosquitoes.

Use Borage to protect your tomato plants against tomato worm.

Use Garlic to protect against Japanese beetle, aphis,weevils,sider mites and many more. In fact if you plant garlic all over your garden you will be amazed how pest free your crops will be.

The herb marigold ( yes it a herb ) is great to protecter against many pest. I grow them in pots and move them about my garden all summer long. Its the smell of them, I think that keeps bugs away.

Peppermint in pots and placed among your cabbage will keep the dreaded white cabbage butterflies away. Once again I grow them in pots and move them about. Indeed, last summer I sat on my plot and watched the white butterflies hoover over my cabbage plants and then fly off to my neighbors plot. The could not stand the smell.

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