Wednesday 28 February 2018

Organic Matter For Your Garden

Organic Matter For Your Garden

Organic gardening is about working with nature: If you walk about and see what is going on in the woods and wild lands you will notice that nature does not dig or plough; she employs the earthworm and soil bacteria, together with deep penetrating roots to do her work.
Another thing, that nature does is, supply an automatic and ample application of organic matter which in the process of decay produces organic acids to act upon the soil minerals and so make them capable of absorption by plant roots.
If we fail to follow the example of nature, we will find that the soil in our care has apparently become incapable of providing sufficient good food to sustain our population in health.
Do not burdened the cost of your gardening with chemical fertilizers, but take the wise step of making compost with which to feed your soil.
The earth is the permanent possessor of everything contained in it and which grows on it; they are loaned to the human and animal kingdom for bodily sustenance for the duration of life, but nature decrees that they shall, after use, be returned to the earth. 
So, treat the earth in your care with respect and care the way that nature does. 

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