Saturday 3 February 2018

Five Points for Organic Gardening

Five Points for Organic Gardening
Organic gardening is not something that is new, it is centuries old. The important thing to remember is that it is the soil that holds the key. Feed it with bulky organic materials to keep the microscopic soil-living creatures happy and you will creative a soil to grow healthy crops without the use of chemicals.

There are a few principles that make up an organic garden and they are:
Number one; no chemicals. Everything that you use must be of an organic nature. This is not as difficult as it sounds!

Number two: only grow plants that are native to the area, or best suited to the garden. So no bananas in Canada please!

Number three: This is the important one…feed the soil and not the plant. This means supplying plenty of organic materials for the soil to make an environment that will foster the growth of healthy and vigorous plants.

Number four: return to the soil more then you take out in the form of crops. This can be done by using compost and green manures.

Number five: promote diversity among you crop by following a simple plant rotation plan.

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