Thursday 20 February 2014

Timely tips eight week: Continued

This is a picture of one of my beds on this day a year ago. No floods and no rain. Perfect soil for putting in your onion and leeks. However this year (2014) there is 23 inches of flood, so no chance of planting leeks. I am sowing crops in pots and the good news, as far as I am concerned, is that 13 days after sowing some lettuce seeds in pots I now have some plants poking through the soil. So I am on my way

  • What ever you intend to do with your garden or plot will depend very much on the soil temperature. Many plants and seeds do not do grow under 50 degrees f or in my case if your plot is under water with river floods. That being said, all things being equal now is a good time the re-arrange the perennial border. When dividing the old plants and selecting portions of roots for replanting, remember that young outside pieces will bear finer flowers than the old and exhausted centers. You should also make sure that you plant in well- manured land.
  • Last year, I had a really good crop of potatoes, in fact I am still eating them.Now is the time to put your seed potatoes in single layers in shallow boxes and place in a cool light airy space Make sure that no frost can get there. Sprouted ‘sets’ start to grow into growth much quicker than un-sprouted tubers and in so doing so yield a much better crop.
  • I love tomatoes and most people who have any form of growing protection like glasshouse/polly tunnel will be thinking of growing them again this year.Well now is the time to sow your seeds in a shallow pan or box that is filled with light sandy soil. Sow the seeds thinly and cover them with sifted compost. Your seeds will need a temperature of about 60 degrees. I always cover mine with a pane of glass. However, if you cannot guarantee a tempter of 60 degrees or there about; do not start yet. You will just be wasting your time and seed.
  • Buy your tomato seeds here  

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